NSW Cancer Research Education State-wide Seminar Series August 2023
Sydney Cancer Partners, in collaboration with the Maridulu Budyari Gumal (SPHERE) Cancer CAG and the NSW Regional Cancer Research Network, will be hosting the 2023 NSW Cancer Research Education State-wide Seminar Series.
These online seminars will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
“Burning Issues in Radiotherapy Research”
This session will provide a great opportunity to explore radiation oncology as a vibrant research sphere that researchers may never have considered before. Hear about the consumer experience, the role of biology in radiation research, the examination of technology and the role of radiation oncology clinical trials.
Associate Professor Eric Hau. Radiation Oncologist, WSLHD; Group leader, Translational Radiation Biology & Oncology Group, The Westmead Institute for Medical Research.
Professor Paul Keall. Professor of Medical Physics; Director, Image X Institute, The University of Sydney.
Professor Trevor Leong. Consultant Radiation Oncologist; President, Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group (TROG).
Murray McLachlan. Consumer Advisor.
Professor Geoff Delaney. Director, Maridulu Budyari Gumal (SPHERE) Cancer CAG.