New Year Message from Sydney Cancer Partners Director, Professor Anna DeFazio
Dear Members,
Welcome to an important new year for Sydney Cancer Partners! I hope that you had a refreshing summer break (despite the challenges), and that 2022 is very successful for you and your teams.
This year Sydney Cancer Partners will continue to grow as a membership organisation for cancer researchers with the core aim of building capacity in translational cancer research through people and research support, communication, and education. We will be launching a number of initiatives including funding schemes, our seminar series, and the NSW Cancer Conference scheduled for September.If you have recieved this email directly, then you are already a member of Sydney Cancer Partners (SCP) and we look forward to your participation! Please add us to your safe senders list and follow us on twitter to keep up to date with all member communications.
Colleagues or students in your groups or networks who are not yet SCP members are invited to apply. Please feel free to forward them this email and they can fill in the membership application form. Membership details are summarised below. Sydney Cancer Partners membership is open to clinicians, researchers, students and allied health professionals whose primary area of interest is cancer treatment, research or education in western, south western and northern Sydney health districts.